Tucker Carlson defends white supremacists from the claim they are a threat to America Video & Audio 06/02/21 8:57 PM EDT
Fox News Primetime claims it’s “reverse racism” to boost federal contracts to minority-owned businesses Video & Audio 06/02/21 8:14 PM EDT
Fox's Greg Gutfeld fearmongers about a 5-year-old immigrant being connected to drug dealers Video & Audio 06/02/21 6:00 PM EDT
Fox's Jesse Watters: “If I were a Black American” I wouldn't want government assistance,“I’m going to help myself” Video & Audio 06/01/21 6:01 PM EDT
A Fox News contributor and a state treasurer are set to appear at a conference with Michael Flynn and other QAnon supporters Article 06/01/21 1:01 PM EDT
In 2021, there’s no excuse for media failing to recognize bad-faith disinformation campaigns targeting journalists Article 06/01/21 8:56 AM EDT
60 Minutes segment on trans health care becomes ammo for right-wing media attacks Article 05/27/21 10:53 AM EDT
Corporate TV news coverage of the Colonial Pipeline cyberattack failed to mention its historic leak Research/Study 05/26/21 3:03 PM EDT
Florida print media rarely spoke to transgender people in reporting on a bill banning trans athletes from competing Article 05/26/21 1:00 PM EDT
Fox News has attacked Black Lives Matter over 400 times in a 6-month period Research/Study 05/26/21 12:07 PM EDT