NRA spokesperson Dana Loesch’s new NRATV show will be an hour-long attack on the press Article 03/26/18 1:41 PM EDT
Trump's border wall proposal is exactly what Ann Coulter pitched on Fox News Saturday night Article 03/26/18 11:54 AM EDT
Fox & Friends attacks March For Our Lives protesters as over-emotional and ignorant Article 03/26/18 10:01 AM EDT
60 Minutes’ interview with Stormy Daniels airs tonight. Here are 5 ways conservative media figures have attacked or downplayed her story. Article 03/25/18 5:11 PM EDT
Fox News contributor lauds her network for barely covering the Stormy Daniels story Video & Audio 03/25/18 1:25 PM EDT
Fox host on student-led gun safety marches: “Spare me if I don't want to hear the sanctimoniousness of a 17-year-old” Video & Audio 03/25/18 11:02 AM EDT
CNN's Rick Santorum: Parkland school shooting survivors aren't taking personal responsibility, should learn CPR Video & Audio 03/25/18 10:25 AM EDT
On Fox News, David Hogg calls out the network for misrepresenting his views on gun law reform Video & Audio 03/24/18 3:09 PM EDT
Charlie Kirk and Fox News anchor scandalize the buses that students took to March For Our Lives Video & Audio 03/24/18 3:01 PM EDT
Fox News anchor confused by why David Hogg and other Parkland survivors “pivot towards just the gun issue” Video & Audio 03/24/18 2:07 PM EDT
Laura Ingraham reacts to transgender military ban: “Social engineering in the military, we don't need to do that anymore” Video & Audio 03/23/18 11:04 PM EDT
Kevin Williamson is dreadful, and The Atlantic should feel bad for hiring him Research/Study 03/23/18 5:05 PM EDT
Fox & Friends hosts YouTube personality “Roaming Millennial” who has made “horrendously inaccurate” claims about race Article 03/23/18 11:20 AM EDT
Donald Trump’s new legal team comes straight from Sean Hannity’s greenroom Article 03/23/18 11:07 AM EDT
Geraldo Rivera: John Bolton still thinks invading Iraq was “a good idea” Video & Audio 03/23/18 9:14 AM EDT
Mollie Hemingway on Fox & Friends: It's “a very weird thing” for Parkland survivors to be talking about gun policy in response to a shooting Video & Audio 03/23/18 8:27 AM EDT